Our speakers

Fredrik Johnsson
Fredrik is an UX designer and Fullstack Product Owner who likes to dabble in evil design in an effort to learn more and improve as a user experience designer. Having emigrated to Norway many a moon ago he is now established in this land.
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Håvard Olsen
Working as a developer for Knowit Experience here in Bergen.
Curious guy who loves to try out the next awesome piece of tech that nobody is using yet.
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Oliver Zeigermann
Oliver Zeigermann is a software developer from Hamburg, Germany. He has developed software in many different languages and technologies over the past couple of decades, including C, C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript.
For the past few years he dived into machine learning and data visualization.
Oliver blogs at http://zeigermann.eu/
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Tale Prestmo
Tale is a technical team lead with the Nordic consultancy Knowit, now working for Entur modernizing sales and ticketing solutions for rail operators in Norway. She has a master’s degree in artificial intelligence and a burning passion for functional programming and anything AI.
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John Morgan
John is a Design Lead on IBM Messaging with 9 years experience in Design across a wide range of industries and products. His career has taken him from designing physical products; Anglepoise Lamps, High-end Diamond Jewelry to designing Digital experiences; Watson AI and Enterprise Cloud Applications.
John blogs at https://medium.com/@ux_john
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Troy Bjerke
I'm a big picture thinker and a professional question asker. I am currently a Design Researcher at IBM in Austin after dabbling in UX, Service, and Industrial Design. The still fledgling Research practice at IBM has allowed me to be on the cutting edge of setting the best practices for one of the largest design organizations in the world.
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Vegard Haugstvedt
Frontend developer and accessibility advocate. Worked on one of the first major sites going live after the law about universal design went into effect in Norway. Wants accessibility to be considered a first-class priority in any software project.
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Lars Lønne
Developer at Kantega. Enjoys frontend development, except having to wrestle with big JavaScript frameworks. Big fan of functional programming, especially in Elm and Haskell, and looking forward to the day when everyone else "gets it". Loves sailing and the ocean, especially blue water sailing. Wants to learn more about woodworking.
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Stein Inge Morisbak
Stein Inge Morisbak is Manager and Head of Bekk Consulting’s commitment to Continuous Delivery, DevOps and Cloud. He considers himself a cross disciplinary technologist and has 20 years of experience both contributing to and helping others become better at producing excellent software together. He is also an experienced speaker at conferences, organizer of DevOpsDays Oslo and the founder of DevOps Norway Meetup.
Stein Inge blogs at https://medium.com/@steinim
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Merete Munch Lange
I am curious by heart and a strong believer in servant leadership.
I have worked as a project leader and business liaison for many years - both in private and public sector.
My passion is leadership, group dynamics and global networking.
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Eivind Mjelde
Front-end developer at Bouvet Bergen.
Enjoys colors, shapes, writing CSS, attempting to understand JavaScript, and drinking coffee.
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Pål Einar Tho Bråthen
Pål Einar works as UX designer and head of user experience at Kantega. His main interests revolve around user research, service design and usability. He has led cross functional design processes across different sectors and projects throughout the last years.
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Hulda Seterås Fadnes
Hulda was introduced to Design Thinking 1.5 years back and it became a life changer. She sees Design Thinking not only as a methodology, but also as a state of mind and an attitude towards problemsolving. She is constantly improving her skills and is very pleased to be able to share her knowledge @BOOSTER.
Monday to Friday she works as a consultant at Accenture.
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Peter Aglen
Architect and developer at Frende Forsikring, a local insurance company. Likes to automate and monitor everything. Still thinks its really fun to build cool stuff, and is working very hard to avoid becoming a PowerPoint based architect.
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Bridget Kromhout
Bridget Kromhout is a Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft. Her CS degree emphasis was in theory, but she now deals with the concrete (if 'cloud' can be considered tangible). After 15 years as an operations engineer, she traded being on call for being on a plane. A frequent speaker and program committee member for tech conferences, she leads the devopsdays organization globally and the devops community at home in Minneapolis. She podcasts with Arrested DevOps, blogs at bridgetkromhout.com, and is active in a Twitterverse near you.
Bridget blogs at https://bridgetkromhout.com/
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Catriona MacKenzie
Originally hailing from London, Catriona left the high-pressure world of financial IT in 2012 to enjoy a more relaxed pace of life in the beautiful, mountainous city of Bergen, Norway, where she took up a new career as a web developer. Since then she has worked with various back-end web technologies before finally landing her dream role as front-end developer, and now spends most of her days wrestling with CSS in an attempt to turn designers’ wishes into reality.
Catriona is passionate about making the web look as beautiful as possible, and adding extra finishing touches to delight her users.
In her free time she enjoys cooking, eating, beer, fancy dress and dogs.
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Trygve Bertelsen Wiig
Trygve has worked as a consultant at BEKK since graduating in 2016. Specializing in Machine Learning, he has a Master's Degree in Industrial Mathematics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
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Anne Landro
Jeg er en funksjonell arkitekt som er levende opptatt av å stille de riktige spørsmålene slik at vi lager de beste IT-løsningene vi kan. Blir lett engasjert, er vilig til å jobbe hardt for god kvalitet, og syns det er spennende å lære om nye problemstillinger. Hjertesakene mine er å finne frem til de reelle behovene slik at vi løser det riktige problemet og at mennesker og domenet er viktigere enn teknologi.
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Monika Kedrova
I love challenges, whether it's solving problems, programming, or climbing mountains. In my day job as software engineer at Archilogic I write server side code in Scala, take care of databases, and automate processes to make my colleagues' lives easier and more efficient. I also make WebXR demos and give talks at conferences because I enjoy teaching others and empowering them to experiment on their own. I'm a huge fan of functional programming and well written documentation.
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Tim Berglund
Tim is a passionate technology leader with a background in engineering, consulting, public speaking and technology training. He works at Confluent as the Senior Director of Developer Experience. He blogs occasionally at http://timberglund.com, and lives in Littleton, CO, USA with the wife of his youth and their youngest child, the other two having mostly grown up.
Tim blogs at http://timberglund.com
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Marit Andreassen
I am interested in the mysteries of life and the little everyday joys. I am an observer, a participant and a dreamer. Work as a team leader, mother of two, happy and agile.
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Einar Høst
Einar W. Høst programs computers at NRK, the Norwegian public broadcaster. His heretic views include thinking before programming and making drawings to understand things better. This arrogant mindset no doubt stems from the idle years spent obtaining a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Oslo.
Einar blogs at https://einarwh.wordpress.com/
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Steve Klabnik
Steve Klabnik is a Rust core team member, prolific open source
contributor, and author of "The Rust Programming Language", "Rails 4
in Action", and "Designing Hypermedia APIs". He lives in Brooklyn, and
spends far too much time on GitHub.
Steve blogs at http://words.steveklabnik.com/
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Esteban Pérez-Hemminger
I’m a simplicity advocate and communicator who just happens to be a designer. I’m currently a Product Design Lead for a team of five designers at IBM Studios in Austin. I work alongside brilliant people—designers, engineers and managers—as we use Design Thinking and research to drive our product strategy and vision in order to create meaningful experience that users enjoy and come back to. I lean toward simplicity over randomness and have little patience for inefficient processes.
Esteban blogs at https://medium.com/@certifyDesign
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Hans Kristian Flaatten
DevOps Practice Lead at EVRY where I help business and organisations to achieve maximum DevOps awesomeness by leveraging the power of automated software delivery pipelines and infrastructure changes. He specialises in large scale container management, deployment, and architecture with Kubernetes.
Apart from his day job, Hans Kristian is an avid Open Source and Open Data evangelist. He is an acting member of the Node.js Foundation where he manages test and release of official Node.js versions and the official Docker Image for Node.js.
Previously Systems Developer / Systems Architect at the Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) where he lead the transition to a microservice oriented architecture on immutable infrastructure and Docker Containers.
Organiser of DevOps Bergen, Bergen NoSQL User Group, and Co-Organiser of Lean Coffee Bergen. Hans Kristian speaks at various other local, and national, user groups on open source, open data, immutable infrastructure, automation, testing, Node.js, NoSQL, Docker, Kubernetes.
Hans Kristian blogs at https://starefossen.github.io
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Lars Hopland Nestås
Lars Hopland Nestås har en master i informatikk fra Universitet i Bergen med spesialisering i sikkerhet. Etter noen 4 år som sikkerhetskonsulent i Bouvet ble han i 2014 ble han ansatt i Skandiabanken (nå Sbanken). I banken har han jobbet som utvikler og sikkerhetsarkitekt, og er i dag leder for avdelingen UX og arkitektur.
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Julia Dellnitz
Julia Dellnitz is the co-founder of Learnical and the smidig network. She advises companies who want to become agile beyond software development. Julia blogs and speaks about agile and diversity at international conferences. As a physical oceanographer and business economist she loves doing the maths especially when it comes to really big data.
Julia blogs at https://www.smidig.de/
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Anette Bergo
Anette has traveled the world and seen almost every bad thing anyone can do to an IT project. Fortunately she has also seen a lot of good, and spend her days trying to increase the good and lessen the bad in every way she can.
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Gry Nagel
Works as a Front-end developer at Bouvet. Loves working with new CSS-Techniques and accessibility.
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Felienne .
Felienne is assistant professor at Delft University of Technology, where she researches programming for everyone, from spreadsheet users to young kids. Felienne’s biggest passions in life is to share her enthusiasm for programming with others. She teaches programming in a community center in Rotterdam every week, she organizes the Joy of Coding conference, a one day developer conference in Rotterdam celebrating the joy and art of programming, and she is a host at SE radio, one of the most popular software engineering podcasts on the web.
If she is not coding, blogging or teaching, she is probably dancing Lindy Hop, running or playing a (board)game.
Felienne blogs at http://www.felienne.com/
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Anders Skar
Working as a front-end architect and interaction designer in Kantega. Long experience with developing web and native applications. Always interested in new technology and how it can be used to create new user experiences.
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Pål Drange
Certified electronician, bachelor degree in cognitive science, master in logic and PhD in Algorithms. A Statoil software developer with a passion for open source.
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Thomas Leira
Thomas worked 6 years in Telenor and Telenor Digital as trainee, product developer, user researcher and intrapeneur. In his current role in Iterate, he helps it's clients find and develop new businesses and products.
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Lisi Linhart
Lisi is a masters student in Multimediatechnology at University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Austria working on her master thesis on Web Animation. She is researching how native web animation can be used more efficient in combination with Javascript frameworks to enable developers to use animations in a simple way even if they don't work with them on a day to day basis. Previously she worked as a frontend developer in Amsterdam and in her free time she loves to go to conferences and get involved in the community. She also participates in meetups and spoke about web animation there.
Lisi blogs at https://lisilinhart.info/writing
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Peter Hilton
Peter Hilton is a software developer, writer, speaker, trainer, and musician. Peter’s professional interests are business process management, web application development, functional design, agile software development and documentation. Peter currently consults for Signavio in Berlin, and delivers the occasional presentation and workshop.
Peter’s software development interests include process management, web applications, service architecture, software development methodology and practices, and web-based collaboration. Peter has presented at several European developer conferences, including GeeCON, I T.A.K.E., ACCU, Scala eXchange, Devoxx, Øredev, Jfokus, Javazone, geecon, Codemotion and TopConf. Peter co-authored ‘Play for Scala’ (Manning Publications) and has taught ‘Fast Track to Play with Scala’.
Peter blogs at http://hilton.org.uk/blog/
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Håkan Silfvernagel
Håkan holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and in addition, he holds a Master’s degree in Leadership and Organizational behavior. He has also taken courses on university level in psychology, interaction design and human-computer interaction. He has 19 years’ experience of software development in various positions such as developer, tester, architect, project manager, scrum master, practice manager and team lead. He has experience from both private and public sector. He focuses on clean code and test-driven development. He has extensive experience in data visualization and GUI development.
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Anders Rørvik
Solution Architect @ Sparebanken Vest - trying to fix broken things.
I love trying new tools and techniques, not a fan Windows, and I find immense joy in deleting code.
I mainly work on the bank's workflow systems, but I also spend a great deal of time trying to fix department wide issues concerning continuous delivery, continuous deployment, as well as experimenting with other tools which can improve our daily lives.
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Olve Hansen
Olve has 15+ years of full-stack/distributed systems development and has recently joined Disruptive Technologies Research AS - powering the IOT sensor revolution
The last five years he has led the transition of the product line from an on premise model to the use of micro-services with continuous delivery, message queueing and monitoring, to containerization and service discovery, contributed extensively to the migration of the product line from on-premise installations to cloud services, and with optimization and load balancing of live video broadcasts.
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Janniche Øyen
Janniche has been working with User eXperience since the term didn't even exist. She has worked with online banking since last century. Finally we have the tools to measure that UX will pay off 1000 times over, if you just get the chance. She is in a constant battle explaining that design can change revenue, not only the look and feel.
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Einar Duenger Bohn
Professor of philosophy at the University of Agder. Einar Duenger Bohn was born (1977) and raised in Vormsund, Norway. He has a BA in psychology and philosophy and an MA in philosophy from the University of Oslo. He got his PhD in philosophy from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (2009). His current interest in artificial intelligence (and artificial life) is growing exponentially, and very soon it will be the only thing he is interested in. Right now he is obsessed with the question whether it is possible to create artificial consciousness, and what the answer to that question tells us about our own consciousness and moral thinking. He greatly fears the singularity without the systems being conscious and morally aware. Bohn also has a theory of the meaning of life according to which it's in accordance with the meaning of life to develop as much technology as we can, as long as it's for the better for all. Bohn considers himself a modest transhumanist.
Einar Duenger blogs at http://www.einarduengerbohn.com/edb/
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Johannes Giske
Developer working at Knowit Experience Bergen, primarily on web projects.
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Mario Ek Aparicio
Mario has several years of experience in digital business development, lean-agile transformation and corporate innovation processes. Having worked with digitization at all levels, from business to technology, Mario thinks holistically across business, organisation and technology. Mario is a highly skilled facilitator who is able to create engagement through his diplomatic leadership style combined with broad knowledge and skillset.
Mario holds a Master of Computer Science from NTNU, and a Master of Management from NTNU&NHH.
In addition to being deeply engaged in his profession, Mario is an accomplished music producer and DJ with several releases on small record labels. When Mario is not in the studio, he plays golf in the summer or skis wintertime.
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Simen Skoglund
Blockchainentusiast og konsulent hos Knowit. Bedriver til daglig utvikling på JVMen med Java og Scala i et stort offentlig prosjekt hvor han i tillegg til å være en utvikler fungerer til tider både som team lead og arkitekt. Simen er også interessert i devops, mikrotjenester, cloud og blockchainteknologi, og prøver så godt han kan og holde seg oppdatert på det som skjer i bransjen.
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Rune Reisegg Jacobsen
Rune har mange harde år som utviklar på baken. Jobbar for Frende Forsikring.
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Mari Therese Røli
Ansvarlig tester for navnebytting av nettbanken - Skandiabanken.no til Sbanken.no.
Spesialfelt er testing av betaling i nettbank.
Er også ansvarlig for innføringen av nytt testverktøy, Testrail, i organisasjonen.
Er utdannet bachelor ved Høgskolen på vestlandet.
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Kristin Wulff
19 years experience as a fascilitator, worked as a leader in Kantega for 10 years, responsible for organizational development, developing and implementing more innovative processes. Member in Lean Forum Midt-Norge.
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Livar Bergheim
Developer and open-data-enthusiast. Worked with open data and information management in Difi (The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment) since june 2015, and with open data a few years before that. Worked with both the national open data portal, data.norge.no, and the data hotel (hotell.difi.no). Recently started a new position in Difi as a developer on the national IT-components (ID-portal, Contact- and reservation-registry ++). In my spare time, I help organize Booster and JavaZone.
Livar blogs at https://medium.com/@livar.bergheim/
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Daan van Berkel
Daan van Berkel is a enthusiastic software craftsman with a knack for presenting technical details in a clear and concise manner. Driven by the desire for understanding complex matters Daan is always on the lookout for innovative uses of software
Daan blogs at http://dvberkel.nl
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Lei Lopez
Lei is based in Montreal, Canada and works as developer on the Production Engineering team at Shopify. In her spare time she can be found teaching kids (and adults) how to code, refereeing basketball, or reading in a blanket fort. Her favourite emoji are the potato and the mermaid.
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Ashley Williams
Ashley is an engineer at Integer32, contracting for Mozilla on the Rust Programming Language. She is a member of the Rust Core team and leads the Rust Community Team. Previously, she worked as an engineer at npm, the package manager for Javascript, and currently is the Individual Membership Director on the Node.js Foundation Board of Directors. A long time teacher, Ashley has focused much of her energies on education programs for open source projects, founding NodeTogether in 2016 and currently leading the RustBridge initiative. She has represented teachers' perspectives at TC39 meetings to influence the growth of JavaScript and continues to be passionate about growing the web through her work on Web Assembly.
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Portia Tung
Portia is a Personal and Executive coach, Agile coach and play researcher creating transformative change in a range of organisations including the Prime Minister’s Office, the NHS, British Airways and global financial institutions. Portia combines coaching and business strategies with play to bring about positive and enduring change. She is also the founder of The School of Play (www.theschoolofplay.org), dedicated to promoting happier adulthood through lifelong play.
Portia is the author of The Dream Team Nightmare, the first ever Agile novel where your discussions determine the outcome of the story. If you’ve enjoyed the Agile Fairytales, you’ll love this first novel in the Agile Adventure Series created by Portia.
Portia blogs at http://www.selfishprogramming.org
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Michael Rawling
Michael Rawling is the Lead Product UX at Unruly Media, a social media video company and part of the News Group.
Mike’s professional experience in UX, design and development dates back to 1998 and since then has explored new ways of more effectively realising the massive potential that technology offers and that each product starts with. He has consulted on, designed, engineered and led such teams and initiatives round the globe for Konami, Wiley Publishing, UK’s National Lottery, Tesco.com, LoveFilm and Granada/ITV-UK and Toyota.
Mike is @hedshot on Twitter & Flickr and takes a lot of photos (michaelrawling.com)
Michael blogs at https://medium.com/unruly-engineering
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Tor Mala
Tor is a senior consultant with Websteps Bergen office. He has worked as project manager, system administrator, team leader and senior developer in Norwegian and international environments. His industry exposure comes from software development in banking, telecommunications and public administration and his focus has been on web applications, web services and background processes.
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Cecilie Haugstvedt
Cecilie is a Test Lead in Computas with a technical background. She's been working with test in the public and private sector and has a special interest in making applications accessible for all.
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Sigurd Lund
Blockchain enthusiast and consultant in Knowit. Tech lead and developer for software related to public transport in Norway. Has a master in machine learning from Norwegian University of Science and Technology, but for now it is blockchain that gets most of the focus.
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Marcus Ahnve
I have worked with software development since 1996, mostly creating web based systems. During my career I have worked both as a consultant and in product companies, in roles spanning from backend developer to management consultant.
After trying pure non-technical roles I have found that I enjoy the technical part of software development too much to let it go. These days I try in my work to mix programming assignments with coaching and speaking, helping teams improve their processes and programming skills.
I am currently employed as Technical Principal at Valtech Sweden. My job description includes working as a solution architect, training, speaking, helping our sales team with technical sales, and a bit of development.
These days I prefer to program in Clojure, but I’ve also written a lot of Python and Ruby over the last 8 years. And of course, as anyone exposed to web development, I have also written my share of JavaScript.
As I have done quite a lot of server setups, I’ve become quite proficient with DevOps technologies such as Docker, Ansible and Terraform.
I was lucky enough to get started as a Smalltalk developer at IBM, which exposed me early on to what was to be called Agile methodologies. It was only later when I was introduced to Extreme Programming when I realized that we had been doing things differently.
Having started practicing XP in 2001, I have been very involved in the agile community, and was one of the founders of the Agila Sverige conference in 2008. I still believe that agile methodologies are necessary for a successful product development, but I am also quite disillusioned by what the industry has made out of it. After doing a number of consultancy gigs as an agile coach, I now much prefer to work in development teams, and focusing on actually building something.
If given a choice, I like to work with Open Source technologies. I run Linux on all my computers, and prefer Arch Linux on the desktop and Debian on servers.
Marcus blogs at https://www.marcusahnve.org
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Emil Moltu Staurset
Full stack developer at Bekk Consulting. Been living in the cloud since '16, and have never looked back!
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Geir Amsjø
Geir is a very experienced agilist, having coached and trained many organisations and individuals.
The recent years the main focus has been on agile transformations and leadership addressing questions like "how to form powerful teams", "authentic leadership", "creating a learning organisation" and "understanding complexity".
Geir is a Certified Scrum Trainer.
Geir blogs at http://scrummaster.no/
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Sveinung Dalatun
Practice lead of Distributed systems, team lead and software developer at BEKK.
Frequent speaker and retired organiser of DevOpsDays Oslo.
Sveinung blogs at https://medium.com/@sdalatun
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Damian Flynn
My name is Damian and I am a Principal Technical Consultant for Lumagate; my motto and mantra is focused on “Making incredible software incredibly simple.”; I am also proud to be recognised as a Microsoft MVP since 2011 and Cisco Champion since 2014. I love learning and sharing, I can be found blogging at www.damianflynn.com, tweeting under the alias @damian_flynn, and have published a number of white papers, technical articles and webinars. I co-authored on multiple books, including “Microsoft Private Cloud Computing (Sybex)”, “Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Installation and Configuration Guide (Sybex)”, and “Microsoft System Centre: Building a Virtualized Network Solution (MS Press)”. I am a regular presenter at many international and community events, including the original and re-resurrected MMS; Expert’s Live and TechDays. Additionally, I have contributed as a content author and technical reviewer for many of the System Centre, and Cloud focused Microsoft Certification Courseware's.
I am currently focused on Cloud Technologies in the Converged Datacentre, with perspective on Automation in “Dev/Ops” scenarios, leveraging declarative configuration with Software Defined Infrastructure to deliver Infrastructure as Code, realized through Templates, Containers and Desired State; on both Linux and Windows Stacks.
Damian blogs at https://www.DamianFlynn.com
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Maxim Salnikov
Maxim Salnikov is Oslo-based Web UI Engineer, a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and Angular. He develops complex web applications since the end of the last century and has extensive experience with all aspects of web front-end: UX/UI prototyping, HTML/CSS/JS, main frameworks, progressive web apps.
Maxim is a founder and active contributor to two conferences: Mobile Era and ngVikings - Nordics’ main conferences for mobile and Angular developers respectively. Also, he leads Norway’s largest meetups dedicated to web front-end and mobile: Framsia, Angular Oslo, Mobile Meetup Oslo.
Maxim is passionate about sharing his web front-end experience and knowledge with the community. He travels extensively for visiting developers events and speaking/training at conferences and meetups around the world.
Maxim blogs at https://medium.com/@webmaxru
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Martin Splitt
Martin is pretty decent at humaning and pretty good at computering,
so he decided to use his computering to improve his and other's humaning.
He loves the open web and open source and helps to make things better with, but not limited to, code.
Martin blogs at https://50linesofco.de
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Erlend Oftedal
Erlend works as a developer and security tester and CTO at Blank AS. One of his main technical interests is how we as developer can teach ourselves to write better and more secure code. He has built open source security tools, and spoken at several developer and security conferences.
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