How to get 1+1 to equal 3
Geir Amsjø
Short workshop - in English
Innovation requires teamwork. Agile requires teamwork. Not any kind of teamwork, but rather excellent, intelligent teamwork. In this workshop we will have a closer look at what it takes to create really powerful, great teams of individuals. The idea is to look at a team (can be a couple, a Scrum team, a leadership team, an organisation) as a system. The key lies in the relationships between people. The powerful concept called Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI) goes beyond Emotional and Social Intelligence and insist that the team itself is an entity.
The tools we will use are to a large extent coming from CRR Global. We will explore concepts like “Designing Team Alliance”, “the Team Entity”, the “Voice of the System”, “Deep Democracy” etc. The main reference is Creating Intelligent Teams by Anne Rød and Marita Fridjhon.
Agile leadership requires great teamwork, and it is due time to dig deeper into this. What does teamwork mean, and which tools can help us getting better at it?
Primarily for: Project managers, Managers, Scrum masters, Agile coaches, Others
Participant requirements: An open mind!